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Energy saving
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Green and Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection 

With a high degree of social responsibility, concerning about the public environment and sustainable development, Texwinca ensures the strict control in the whole production processes and the concept of energy saving is consistently performed on every aspect of production.


Control from the Source

Texwinca takes the source from the East River for industrial use in order to effectively control the budget and use the coal of sulfur content below 0.6% as the fuel. We imported high effective / low pollution “clean burning advanced technology equipment”---circulating fluidized bed boiler so as to control the pollutants from the source.



Texwinca highly stresses on environmental protection. We have accumulatively invested 600 million Renminbi in the construction of Power Plant with Flue Gas Purification, Sewage Treatment Centre and Water Recycling and so on environmental protection projects.


Process Control

Facilities Enhancement

From 2015, we began to use the air jet cylinder which possess the characteristics of low bath (water) ratio, low energy consumption, low pollution, etc. It is regarded as st Century “green eco-friendly” dyeing machinery in the 21st century.


Flue Gas Purification  


The Power Plant is operating with advanced technology of Desulfurization, Denitration and Dedusting so as to stabilize and standardize the emission of flue gas.


Production Management

    Relying on innovative research and development, R & D Department has been constantly improving and optimizing technology, seeking new auxiliaries. We have achieved very good results in production technology innovation, energy saving and improved processing time. The water reuse rate in the workshop is high and energy remains cascade utilization.



Sewage Treatment

Texwinca has invested over 30 million Renminbi for employing Catalyst Ozonation technology so as to ensure the treated sewage is standardized discharged with stability. Currently, more than 61% of recycled wastewater is reused in production and this is a high rate of recycling use of resources. Moreover, sludge water and backwash water recovery technology are maturely utilized, which really brings the comprehensive use of resources. Also, we have successfully implemented the rainwater and sewage separation system and thus enhance the efficiency of sewage treatment with cost saving.